
 In Team Performance

Are you a passenger in your own life?

It’s tempting to close your eyes and doze off along your journey, safely avoiding any potential threats. It’s effortless to mindlessly enjoy the freedom from pressures of being fully responsible for yourself and your world.

It’s so much easier to drift in and out, dreamily, unaware as long as you possibly can.  It feels uncomplicated to always be so busy with this or that so you don’t have to face your true essence. You live as if you have all the time in the world. You might not be awake enough to realize you really don’t.

Is it really worth that to avoid the here and now?

It’s time to wake up. Be fully alive for each moment. Commit to finding your presence.

The call to becoming awake is pretty seductive. An awakening brings awareness to living fully. You’re free to finally put yourself out there. By saying yes to your awakening, you can speak up, trust yourself, be generous, love more and slow down enough to take it all in.

Awake can be exhilarating as you take charge of yourself and notice every little thing. Take nothing for granted. Realize your choices. Live each individual, glorious day with more intention.

Awaken now to the bold rush of life. Experience as much as you possibly can. And live with integrity. Eyes wide open to yourself. Dare to be more thoughtful, reflective and courageous to speak, walk and live your truth.