
 In Finding Meaning, Happiness, Intention, Mindfulness, Presence

Standing on the shore, I watch the ocean breathe.

Won’t you join me?

One wave in, then another out.

These magical waves just keep coming.

Unstoppable in their journey, yet relentless in their consistency, they ceaselessly repeat their dance.

Notice how they tempt us to stay mesmerized by the rhythm they sing.

I wonder if we sometimes walk away too soon because we fail to appreciate the subtleness in this space.

Think about it.

No distractions.

No breaking news.

No text that might finally validate we actually did make it after all.

Nope, no dramatic “wait for it” ending.

There’s just the sound of whispering water and an occasional bird or even two.

Settle here for one more moment with me. Slow down and stand still from a world moving at warp speed.

It is in times of stillness, sameness and almost loud silence that we can start to see again.

We are soothed.


Swayed back to the rhythm of our own true song.

And more alert to our purpose.

So yes, stay a little longer.

Take it all in.

Your leadership will no longer thirst for more success.

In this moment, trust yourself and triumph in who you really are.