
 In Finding Meaning, Happiness, Intention, Mindfulness, Presence

I vividly remember what a magical time December was for me as a kid.

With the holiday season here, I find myself asking what it might be like to be full of wonder again.

Think about it…

Looking through childlike, innocent, wide eyes.

Remembering the pure joy of seeing beauty in all the holiday decorations.

Celebrating gifts and presents while literally jumping for joy.

Listening for the reindeer on the roof, and almost hearing them.

I close my eyes and imagine how wonderfully freeing those experiences were for me.

Why don’t we find wonder more often in our lives?

It’s a place of amazement and self-determination.

It can be found in the smallest and simplest of things.

Get up early and watch the sun rise as it casts its rays across your path.

Notice the intricacies in each snowflake that forms.

Look up at the night sky and take the time to appreciate the stars and the different phases of the moon every night.

Express appreciation for even the slightest of things.

Pause to notice your everyday miracles.

This month, look back on the ordinary and extraordinary from your entire year.
Take in everything that has come before and purposefully ponder it all.

Then anticipate a new beginning and marvel about what miracles could possibly unfold in a pristine and sparkling new year.

Dream often.

Practice being in awe.

And stand in wonder, as the child you once were, to imagine the magnificence of what surely will come to be!