Lead With Love

 In Finding Meaning, Happiness, Helping Others, Intention, Leadership, Mindfulness, Presence

I’m thinking about love in new ways more and more these days. I find it’s seriously underrated.

Look at February. It’s the one time each year that we take the time to consciously honor love on Valentine’s day with those closest to us. Maybe it’s all of our hustling to get things done that make us take love for granted way too often.

Does it matter?

For our families and friends the answer is a resounding YES.

Well, what about at work?  I am totally convinced that love can achieve magnificence in a business setting, too.

Why? We humans just respond way better to a kind request, genuine emotion, and vulnerability—than we do to ego driven demands, phoniness, or arrogance.

Think of the leaders you most admire and ask yourself:

  • Were they cold-hearted or bosses with heart?
  • Would you do what they told you because you felt you had to? Or would you do just about anything for them out of mutual respect?
  • Did they acknowledge you for a job well done? Or criticize you publicly about some error you overlooked?

I double dog dare you to consider the endless possibilities for leading with love. Consider these ideas to get you started:

  • The next time you meet with someone you have tons of tension with, think of them as a person you’ve just met and ask how you can support them best right now.
  • When someone is visibly upset, calmly say something like, “Hey, I can see you’re really upset right now, what’s up?”
  • When someone who is chronically late shows up 30 minutes late (again!), say, “You must have a lot going on. Should we reschedule to a time that works better for your schedule?”

It may feel awkward at first.

But as you start to lead with love, miracles will soon follow.

Take my challenge. Be the ambassador for love this February. And make love a part of every other moment, too.

Your leadership will be appreciated and valued even more.