Maria’s Holiday Gift to You

 In Team Performance

December is my favorite month of the year. It is an absolutely jam-packed celebrating, singing, decorating, shopping, traveling, wining and dining month.

Okay, I admit I have a love-hate affair with the holidays. At times I wonder if all this holiday bustle is too much — but in the end — what’s really compelling, what really draws me in, is the opportunity to strengthen bonds with family, friends and community through gifts of giving, time together and charity.

The real reason I love December is that it brings a steady stream of personal gifts that don’t come in neatly wrapped packages. Gifts that remind me why life is worth living and why we care so much about one another. Gifts to help me receive, reflect and renew. Gifts so rich that I can grow in new ways to be a better person and stronger leader.

And if we widen our view of what’s closest in, this is a time to appreciate diverse holiday traditions: Hanukah, Winter Solstice, Christmas, Kwanzaa and the New Year. Each of these observances offers positive, affirming messages that we all quickly embrace during the month — peace, joy, love, goodwill — yet it’s a terrific opportunity lost if we forget to live these words throughout the rest of the year.

This realization inspired me to create a special gift especially for you.

Unwrap the 12 Days of YES

Drawing from many of the common words used during the holiday season, I have created the 12 Days of Yes. This gift will be presented to you for 12 consecutive days over the holidays.

The 12 Days of Yes is designed to help shift you from unresolved New Year’s resolutions of year’s past to noticeable New Year’s results. From thinking about it to getting up and doing. This year will be a marker in time and space for you to give and receive. More so, a marker in what you’re here to do with the gifts you have.

12 Days—12 Ways

Here’s what I’m doing to get you moving from December 25th to January 5th:

  • Each day, you will receive a new holiday word from me with a special message.
  • Each message will be a personal invitation from me to you to help you create the focus you need for the New Year.
  • Each word is intended to help make sure your new year’s dreams become real for you this year.
  • Each word is genuinely written from me to you.

I know that each word will appeal to every person differently. I’ve written them in my own twist to create some small shifts toward positive change. Maybe a word will give you an AHA moment. Or one will make you smile, laugh, pause and think, or okay, maybe even bring a tear to your eye.

Take the time to read each word. Savor each one. Re-read the ones that resonate with you the most. And if any of these messages help you decide what you’re here to do in the coming year, please let me know.

This year, like no other, my wish for you is that you use this holiday season to prepare for your best new year ever.

Peace, love and joy,