On the 8th Day of YES…

 In Team Performance


This is day one…the first day of your new year. And you want to begin again. Right? But you don’t know where to start. A year is too big. What if you don’t start where you should? Come on. You know. You’ll begin where your beginning is. No one else’s. You’ll begin exactly where you know to begin. In fact, your new beginning will free up all that energy you have stored (perhaps unwittingly) by not beginning until now. You’ve done it before and it felt so good. That’s right. It’s clearer now. Beginning now feels right. Begin to find your first speaking gig. Begin to plan a big birthday or anniversary celebration for you or for someone you love. Begin to plan your legacy. Begin blogging. Begin posting updates. Begin your resume. Begin to meditate. Begin to pray. Learn to sing. Volunteer to coach that team. Begin at the beginning at the middle, or at the end. Who cares where you start. Just begin.