Revealing your true nature is powerful beyond measure.
Start now to see what happens when you do.
Pull back that veil, the one you think keeps you hidden (and oh, so safe).
Dare to remove that shroud of invincibility to reveal the very raw fear of being seen for just what (and who) you are.
Let people experience your most authentic self from all sides: yes, what you’re most proud of, and what you’re haunted by, too.
Show your ambitions freely to embolden others.
Share your vulnerability to bond with those who recognize it.
Admit your unworthiness to connect with all the rest of us who feel the same.
What are you waiting for?
You can do it.
Lift away the illusion of security.
Show yourself freely.
We are aching to see you in your totality—the light, the dark, all of it.
And, we are eager to learn from you.
Our lives will shine so much brighter as you open yourself so completely.R