Do something for me today. Please start wondering more out loud.
Listen closely to the wisdom that curiosity can whisper. Tune carefully into its subtle beat.
Your soul flourishes when you bring your best self to all you love.
It shines when you are immersed in your passion.
And it prospers when you help others succeed.
You have your visions for 2019. You know what you want in your life and work.
Should you push or pull?
Well, if you elbow me, yeah, I’ll certainly protect myself as best I can.
It’s soon time to celebrate Valentine’s Day. As you tap into the true spirit of this special day, pause to really look at love with fresh eyes.
Love is a bridge between…
Revealing your true nature is powerful beyond measure.
Start now to see what happens when you do.
Pull back that veil, the one you think keeps you hidden (and oh, so safe).